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  • A same pattern will only be used. NOTE: Contestants will be given one fly. All contestants will receive the same pattern and the pattern will remain a mystery until the start of the event. When a contestant loses the fly then that contestant is out. If the contestant loses the fly and wishes to continue fishing for the sake of fishing, then that contestant must turn their score card over to the person they are paired with.


  • Contestants will be allowed to retie their fly but must notify their partner they are doing so.

  • Dry flies as strike indicators will not be allowed.

  • Scored fish are fish brought to hand. Each contestant must alert their partner when a fish is brought to hand.

  • Each contestant is responsible for keeping their own score card.

  • Each contestant should devise a way for measuring fish that are caught. Length of each fish scores additional points.


  • This entire event is based on the honor system.

  • Deadline for entering is February 15th, 2025.

  • Register on line or follow the instructions below.

A copy of the general information, rules, and entry form will be available January 1st, 2025. 

Rules and Regulations

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